For all the Germans that read my blog,
you’re probably wondering why I am loving a subject that involves the pleasure
of other people’s torture. I'm not psychotic- I am simply referring to my
presentation that I did a couple of weeks ago, which was about schadenfreude’s
presence in reality television. Our group got a 90- that’s just TEN marks off perfection! So of course I'm going to
love the concept of schadenfreude, especially since it got me my first
90...EVER! I have to admit that pronouncing the word was hilarious. We used an online dictionary that pronounces the word to help our group out. I told my
German friend, Jasmina, about learning a German word, and when I told her it
was schadenfreude, she laughed her head off! I surely impressed with my vast
grasp of the German language! :P
In addition to this, Frugal February is in
full swing. I’m halfway through, but I
have been an incredibly good scrounger and not spent on anything other than
travel...and a present for my sister. But otherwise, I’m doing well! I think
I’ll have enough in time for Miami (once my mobile phone bill is paid). I found
out that you can get money in such stupid ways. For example, on my website, I
got asked if I wanted to advertise FoxyBingo.Com. Thinking it was spam, I
initially ignored it, but then I found out you could get money for it. I
decided to go for it to see what would happen, and I got $170 for subliminally
advertising an online bingo company! Don’t believe me?
Talk about a
result! That roughly translated to £105.45 for me to have for Miami. I will
give a progress report at the end of the month, and hope that I have the $1400
that I need in order to go. Wish me luck!
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